Last, but not the least, the layout is such that it can also be used for regular recitation enabling constant revision.A small number is placed in the English cell (i.e., the small boxes containing English translations of each Arabic word) of those words for which explanation is provided at the bottom In essence the box is there to help the reader equip the new Arabic word easily and establish its link with those words with which he is familiar. Whether you want to translate a selection of words within a document, or translate the entire document, Word Translator makes text translation easy with this built-in Office 365 feature. In the box provided at the bottom of each page, meanings of those words are provided which may appear difficult to understand or which has other familiar or useful forms. Microsoft Office 365 subscribers can translate Word documents into any of our supported languages using Word Translator, an intelligent service made available through the cloud.
The objective of the whole exercise is to enable the reader understand directly from Arabic Even though a few word-for-word translations exist but the format of the present work is different from them. The only purpose of this word-for-word translation is to facilitate learning the language of the Qur’an. Even though there are many translations of the meanings of the Qur’an, they do not help the reader in linking the Arabic words to their meanings.